The World Ends with You is a critically acclaimed action role-playing game developed by Square Enix and Jupiter for the Nintendo DS. The game is set in the modern-day Shibuya shopping district of Tokyo, Japan, and follows the story of Neku Sakuraba and his journey through a mysterious game.
The unique characters of the game have become beloved by fans, and their unique fashion styles have been recreated in the form of costumes. These costumes range from everyday streetwear to more elaborate and detailed cosplay pieces, allowing fans to recreate their favorite characters in their own unique ways.
Whether you’re looking for a simple cosplay or an intricate recreation of the characters’ fashion, The World Ends with You costumes are sure to provide you with the perfect look.
Nao Cosplay
Sota Cosplay
Mitsuki Konishi Cosplay
Shuto Dan Cosplay
Hype-chan Cosplay
Futoshi Cosplay
BJ Cosplay
Ai Cosplay
Eiji Oji Cosplay
Sho Minamimoto Cosplay
Final Remix Coco Cosplay