Captain Tsubasa (2018) is a Japanese anime television series based on Yōichi Takahashi's manga and anime series of the same name. It is the fifth animated adaptation of the manga following three television series and one original video animation. The series premiered on April 2, 2018 on TV Tokyo in Japan.
The story follows 11-year-old Tsubasa Oozora as he moves to Nankatsu City with his mother, Sanae Oozora, and begins playing football at elementary school there. With the help of his new friends and teammates, Tsubasa grows into an amazing footballer as he strives to become the best player in Japan and eventually the world. Along the way, he meets many rivals who challenge him to become better players and make him realize what it takes to be a true champion. As Tsubasa continues his journey, he learns valuable lessons about friendship, teamwork, sportsmanship, and determination that will stay with him for life.