
Dragon Ball Heroes Cosplay

Dragon Ball Heroes is a Japanese promotional anime based on the Dragon Ball franchise. It began airing in July 2018. The series follows the adventures of a character named Beat, a Saiyan from the newly-established Universe Mission Department. Beat and his team must travel to different universes to stop the evil Fu from wreaking havoc on the multiverse. Along the way, they encounter powerful allies and enemies, and must fight their way through many challenges.

Dragon Ball Heroes follows the adventures of Beat, a Saiyan from the newly-established Universe Mission Department. Beat and his team must travel to different universes to stop the evil Fu from wreaking havoc on the multiverse. Along the way, they encounter powerful allies and enemies, and must fight their way through many challenges. The series features characters from the Dragon Ball franchise, as well as original characters created specifically for the series. The series also features intense battles and explosive action sequences, as the heroes strive to protect the multiverse from Fu's evil plans.