Dragon Ball Super is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation that began airing on July 5, 2015. It is the first Dragon Ball television series featuring a new storyline in 18 years. The series follows the adventures of Goku and his friends as they battle foes and save the world from evil forces. The story arc focuses on the exploration of the "Super" Saiyan God form, as well as other transformations.
Dragon Ball Super follows the events of the previous Dragon Ball Z series, with the story taking place after the defeat of Majin Buu. The characters of the series travel to different worlds and explore their cultures while battling enemies and protecting the universe from evil forces. Along their journey, they encounter powerful gods and warriors and gain new allies. The series also features new characters, such as Beerus, the God of Destruction, and his attendant Whis.
The series has received positive reviews, with critics praising its animation, story, and characters. It has become one of the most popular anime series of all time, and has spawned numerous spin-offs, films, and video games.
Super Hero Gamma 1 Cosplay
Paragus Cosplay
Granola Cosplay
Super Hero Gohan Cosplay