
Ghost in the Shell Cosplay

"Media conglomerates will soon be aiming for the universe's stars, electrons, and light streams. But the nations and ethnic groupings still exist today despite sophisticated computerization."

These are the words of an unknown person that draw the audience into the anime from its outset. The cops attack a diplomat's office at the start of the story because he is providing someone political refuge. He gets shot when he gives up. His assassin makes his getaway by diving into the ocean from a tower window. She is actually a cyborg, a human with a nearly mechanical body.

In Japan in the year 2029, cyborgs and artificial intelligences have long since been the norm, but one thing hasn't changed: the nation's weak and corrupt governmental structures. A Japanese anti-terrorist force whose mission is to combat the unfavorable effects of technological advancement is the subject of the story. It's been feasible to get into someone's brain and utilize them for illegal purposes for a long time because to the widespread use of "cyberbrains," which are electronic access points to the brain. Motoko Kusanagi, the unit's leader and a cyborg, is entangled in a complex web of political alliances and power struggles and now faces the threat of becoming little more than pawns in this "game" themselves.