Girls und Panzer is set in an alternate universe where Sensha-dō, the art of operating tanks, is a traditional Japanese martial art for girls. Miho Nishizumi comes from a family famous for their skills in Sensha-dō and transfers to Ōarai Girls High School to get away from the sport. However, due to changes in the school's curriculum, Miho and her friends must learn to operate tanks in order to save the school from being closed.
The story follows Miho and her friends as they join forces with other students of different schools to compete in national Sensha-dō tournaments. Along the way, they learn more about each other and the world around them while striving to become better tank operators. Throughout their journey, they must also face off against powerful opponents and overcome various obstacles that stand in their way. As they battle it out on the battlefields, friendships are forged and rivalries are born as each team strives for victory.