
Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV Cosplay

The technologically powerful empire of Niflheim and the magical kingdom of Lucis have been at war for all time. a conflict over the holy crystal, which gives the kingdom its magic. The Kingsglaive is a tiny group of elite troops under the leadership of King Regis of Lucis. Nyx Ulric and the other Kingsglaive members protect Insomnia, the kingdom's capital, against the imperial army's unrelenting advance using their king's power.

King Regis sees making peace with Niflheim and agreeing to its terms—all territories outside the capital are to be handed over to Niflheim, and his son, Prince Noctis, is to be married to Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, formerly Princess of Tenebrae but now a political prisoner of the Empire—as his only chance to save his people. King Regis is powerless against the overwhelming military might of the Empire.

But it was not to happen. Insomnia is transformed into a post-apocalyptic battlefield as harsh discussions continue, pushing Nyx to fight for both his and the kingdom's survival.