Three childhood friends, Yuu, Haru, and Kotona, are the subjects of the anime movie Ni no Kuni, which is based on the same-named video game series. The top student at the school where they both attend, Yuu, is secretly in love with Kotona. However, Yuu's best friend and the standout player for the basketball team, Haru, is already dating Kotona. But when Kotona is suddenly attacked one day, Yuu and Haru rush to save her—only to discover themselves in an alternate reality. As a result, the two find themselves in the mystical realm of Ni no Kuni, also known as Second Land, which is distinct from their own world yet nonetheless seems linked to it.
They see Princess Asha in Ni no Kuni, and Yuu is immediately taken to her since she resembles Kotona. However, because only one of the two companions can survive, they must sacrifice Princess Asha in order to save Kotona. Life is unfair, and fate loves to play cruel tricks on people. Haru cannot and will not give up his Kotona, despite Yuu's desire to protect Asha. When presented with this terrible option, what choice would Yuu and Haru make?