Senki Zesshou Symphogear is a Japanese anime series produced by Satelight, and aired on Tokyo MX in Japan from January to March 2012. The story revolves around Hibiki Tachibana and her friends, who use powerful armor known as Symphogear to fight against an alien race called the Noise. With their newfound powers, they must protect the world from destruction and uncover the secrets behind the mysterious Symphogear.
The main characters of Senki Zesshou Symphogear are Hibiki Tachibana, a young girl with no memory of her past; Miku Kohinata, Hibiki's childhood friend; Chris Yukine, an idol singer with a troubled past; Shirabe Tsukuyomi, a genius scientist; and Maria Cadenzavna Eve, an android created by Shirabe. Together they form Team Symphogear and battle against the Noise using their special armor that grants them superhuman powers. As they fight for justice and peace in the world, they also discover more about themselves and their mysterious pasts.